Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Learn From Your Past As You Look To Your Future...

Earlier, I wrote about things I have learned in my 34 years... And as the day set aside for celebrating my birth comes to a close, I think it is only fitting that I set forth some goals- 34, to be exact- for the next year (God willing- of my life)... After all, you can't get anywhere without a plan, right?

1- I will talk to a new new person once a week, for a period of no less than fifteen minutes.
2- I will laugh with my children every day.
3- I will tithe on a more consistent basis.
4- I will spend time cultivating relationships both professionally and personally.
5- I will become a WORTHWHILE and PROFITABLE investment.
6- I will pay off 3 debts and avoid the creation of more debt.
7- I will write simply for the joy of writing.
8- I will run a 3-5k.
9- I will call my Grandparents more often.
10- I will take time out for me.
11- I will take a vested position of interest when it comes to my community and the goings on therein.
12- I will take more responsibility for the state of my affairs and make changes where and when necessary.
13- I will learn to do something new every month.
14- I will get to know my nephew and he will get to know me.
15- I will read more news articles.
16- I will cultivate my gifts.
17-  I will explore more.
18- I will work to create a healthy atmosphere in body, mind and spirit.
19- I will tell my family that I love them.
20- I will create a five year plan for my life.
21- I will successfully write a grant.
22- I will take my L-Sats and my Realtor's Exam.
23- I will become proficient in hand gun safety, shooting and will get my concealed weapons permit.
24- I will accept the things I have no control over and I will get less frustrated with those situations.
25-  I will read my Bible more.
26- I will pray more.

***This is really hard. Who knew that coming up with 34 goals for my life would be this difficult?***

I honestly cannot think of more things I would like to do in the coming year, with my life. Even though I have been unable to think of 34 goals for the next year of my life, I am not disheartened. I do not feel I have not risen to the challenge of mapping where I want my life to go. In fact, I feel invigorated.  I am ready to face the new day. I am ready to start putting check marks next to the things I accomplish and I am even looking forward to the harder things. I am looking forward to getting out of my comfort zone as I grow more into this wonderful woman God has called me to be.

And as the night winds down for me, I challenge you to set some goals for yourself... I do not mean the traditional New Year's Resolutions, either. I mean from the heart, planning my route, mapping my journey goals. Ask yourself where you want to go and then start writing things down that will ensure you get there. Taking it a step further- are you bold enough to share it with me or the rest of the social media world? If not, then how will you be holding yourself accountable to you?

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