Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Now, Let's Go Get Some Cake!

You know today is my born day... If anyone should ask, I am 21.

Yeah right. I really don't think I could be paid to revisit that age. I am so very proud of where I am right now. I am proud of my accomplishments. I am proud of my goals. I am proud of the woman I have become.

A few weeks ago, Tyler Perry celebrated his birthday and he wrote a list of the things he had learned to that point in his life. I was inspired. Thank you Mr. Perry for the inspiration!

So, here goes... 34 things I have learned in my 34 years:

1. God is Good All of the Time. (No matter what situation or circumstance you find yourself in, God continues to be good to and for you. Without question.)
2. Sometimes you have to encourage yourself. (Its true. People will not always be around. People will not always care. Self motivation is important and without it, your vision may start to crumble.)
3. You need a vision. (In order for anybody else to see potential for your life, you have to see it for yourself, first.)
4. You need God in your life. (As in you need a daily intimate relationship with HIM.)
5. It is good to laugh. (If you need further explanation, then you need to start laughing more.)
6. If you work hard, you deserve to play hard and likewise, if you play hard, you need to work hard. (If you compromise this formula in any way, you have the ingredients to make disaster.)
7. In life, it is the little things that matter. (You know, its true what they say about stopping to smell the roses...)
8. Reading is fundamental.
9. Life is like a roller coaster (there will be ups and there will be downs, sometimes you will giggle in delight and sometimes you will scream in fright.)
10. It is good to have friends, but it is even better to befriend yourself. (As I said previously, people aren't always going to be around, so you may want to get to know yourself and enjoy hanging out with you.)
11. Life is a classroom (It is up to you to decide how much you are going to learn.)
12. If you do not stand for something, you will fall for any and everything.
13. When you are on the path that God would have you to be on, you really can move mountains. (You know faith like a mustard seed...)
14. Teen age girls are lucky to make it to adulthood. (That reminds me, I need to call my mom and tell her thank you for allowing me to live past my rebellion stage...)
15. A moment on the lips = FOREVER on the HIPS! (Gluttony is a sin)
16. If you lay down with dogs, you will surely wake up with fleas. (Keep your legs closed and your mouth out of places it doesn't belong.)
17. It takes a village to raise a child and accomplish all of your other goals too! (People are put in place all around you to lead and guide you, they have experienced things that will bless you and have learned things they can teach you- LEARN FROM THEM. LET THEM HELP YOU.)
18. From time to time, you will need to be an adult (It is probably for the best that this skill is mastered before it is needed, otherwise you end up looking unprofessional, unintelligent, and foolish.
19. Love is an action word and that action should never intentionally hurt you. (In other words, if the one who loves you introduces your mouth to their fist- it ain't love and if you are begging for attentions and affections, then that love ain't an action!)
20. Forgiveness is essential to your daily life.
21. God is a HEALER.
22. Everyone has a closet. Everyone has a skeleton in that closet. (Might as well let everyone know up front what's in your closet, that way they can decide to not be a part of your life before you have invested so much of you into them.)
23.There is NOTHING new under the sun. (Whatever you are going through and whenever you are going through, someone else has already gone through it. Bottom line- it won't kill you.)
24. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger... (Coal is tossed into a fire and becomes diamonds, hmm... Diamonds in the rough, maybe?)
25. You cannot please everyone at every given moment. (Ensuring your own happiness goes along way and can often times impact the attitude others present when in your presence.)
26. Explore your world. (There is a reason the earth is round and not boxed in shape.)
27. You don't need to tell everyone everything. (It is good to have secrets, especially when it comes to the designs/ plans of your life. Haters are a real thing.)
28. "Sticks and Stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me" is a FALSE statement. (Broken bones will heal, whereas, the wounds of words sometimes NEVER heal.)
29. Hind sight is 20/20. (You will do things that you regret. Be mindful of this when you are determining whether to participate or not participate in a thing or whether or not to do something. If you regret it later, is it a regret you will be ok with?)
30. There is a GOD who made the universe and everything in it.
31. Be thankful. (Appreciation makes getting help easier.)
32. Be humble. (You did not do it all by your lonesome. There are several, if not thousands or millions of people who helped you up that ladder.)
33. Parenthood makes you crazy. (I think I have well established this. If you are a parent, I am sure you understand and if you are not a parent, just look at your parents and you might know what I am talking about.)
34. Don't be afraid to try new things. (If you are constantly worried about the what-ifs, you will miss out on far to many should haves or could be's.)

Now, let's go get some cake!

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