Thursday, September 12, 2013


Why hello there. Thanks for stopping by. Although I know you're probably only here because you need verification that there is in fact, someone out there in the land under the sun, who is indeed more crazy than you. That's fine. I'll accept my title. I mean, it is what it is, right? Now before we get to involved, I have to make this public service announcement- If you are here, because you somehow were misled or misguided into believing that this Blog is going to give you encouragement or help you through life's tough situations- PLEASE LEAVE NOW. You will only be disappointed if you stay. I am not the secret to world peace or your personal problem solver and I most certainly do not proclaim to know it all (all you have to do is ask the people in close proximity to me on a daily basis. They will tell you I don't know what I'm talking about. I don't ever understand anything about anything and blah blah blah. They also will tell you that I am evil and they hate me, but they are kids and they don't count.)

Oh look! Something shiny! I totally forgot where I was going with that. Oh well. My point is this: I am here to have fun and to secretly divorce my addiction to Facebook. I invite you to have fun with me. May we laugh, cry and drink together (but only ginngerale, cause that's about all I can handle).

So, y'all come back now, ya' hear?

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