Saturday, September 21, 2013

Dinosaur Chicken Nuggets Are The Only Meaningful Proof That Dinosaurs Existed

Yes. I said exactly what you read. Dinosaur chicken nuggets are the only meaningful proof that  the dinosaurs existed. At least according to my son (who is the only boy in my crazy gang). I am still trying to work this one out. I'm pretty sure he was just being silly. I am pretty sure he was only trying to make me (and his sisters) laugh. I am doubly sure that he did not really want to play with his food as he said he did. (Notice I said I was pretty sure. Because I am not really entirely 100% sure- especially when it comes to him, but he's mine and I loves him.)

But anyway. We were talking about meaningful proof of existence... Bet you're wondering how I am gonna turn this into something meaningful, inspirational or encouraging- right? I'm not. While I believe it is important to learn from the day to day happenings in life, I also believe you shouldn't have to reach to learn those all-important life lessons.

Sometimes you just need to be silly. Sometimes you just need to march to the beat of your own drummer. Sometimes you need to get out of the same box as everyone else. Free your mind. Free your inner child. It isn't all seriousness, so laugh a little.

It's important to be spontaneous sometimes! (And- dare I say it?) Sometimes it is okay to play with your food!

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