I'm pregnant. Are there any doctors in the house?
Its been awhile since I've been expecting- I think I might have forgotten what its like...
In fact, I'm sure I have. Otherwise, I would have recognized the signs long before now.
I'm pregnant. Past the point of "Oh God, what am I gonna do?"
Coming to the place of "Oh God, how am I gonna do this?"
Nearing the time of "I HAVE TO PUSH!!!"
I'm pregnant. And I haven't seen a doctor, midwife or nurse. And I can't find my way to the birthing room.
I'm pregnant. Past the time when the devil's playground is in my mind- thinkin those idle thoughts of abort or adopt-
I'm in the place where this life inside is MINE.
I'm pregnant. Are there any doctors in the house?
Admittedly, tonight, I cheated. The above is something I wrote a few years ago, but I think it is just as important and relevant today as it was back then.
When I was 17, I got pregnant (literally) and while no one held a gun to my head and said. "You are going to have an abortion"- there was definitely pressure (from everyone and everywhere, including my own thoughts) to abort my unborn child. I succumbed to the pressure and on July 17, 1997, I killed the gift.
Yes. I remember the day. I have nightmares about what could have been. I wonder about the person I would be today, had I allowed the gift to live...
Maybe you aren't pregnant in the literal since of bringing forth a babe, but everyone is pregnant with a gift. And everyone has an appointed time to deliver the gift.
I look back now and think of all the people I should not have told I was pregnant. They didn't speak life into me. They only spoke of failure, death and decay... And I let them. I allowed them to speak into me. I allowed them to influence me, when it came to my gift.
Life is the same way... You have to be careful who knows about your pregnancy; who is speaking over what you carry and who influences your gift.
If you allow your gift to be destroyed and torn down before it is even birthed- you will have REGRETS. You will always question if you could have succeeded. It will HAUNT you. And yes- other gifts will come along- some you will happen upon and others you will labor and toil with for many hours- BUT these new gifts will NEVER replace the ONE you aborted. Take care of the gift. Nurture the gift. Birth your gift no matter how long the labor, how deep the pains or how many people try to make you abort. Your gift is valuable. Your gift is important.
And remember- gifts aren't meant to be sat on a shelf somewhere to collect dust and not be seen and rarely enjoyed. Gifts are meant to be shared among friends, handled and admired, used and sometimes gently abused.
So- if you find that you are pregnant (and inevitably you will find that you are) get yourself to the birthing center! Find the doctor! Look for some nurses! Employ a midwife- and get to pushin!
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