Friday, September 13, 2013

The Ugly Truth Of It All

If you come to my house- you will be welcomed and offered whatever food or beverage item is on hand at the time, my children will chat you up, the dogs will want to play, the toilet seat will more than likely be up, the TV will be blaring to no one in particular, Kaira's dolls will be scattered throughout the dining room and I am pretty sure there will be clothes needing to be washed or folded or put away.

If you ask me to do something for you- I will be more than happy to do it I just might do it with the kids in tow or I might not get around to it until after I have played flash light tag, read a gazillion bed time stories and cleaned the bath tub for the third time.

Need a ride? Sure I can get you there. I won't ever charge you gas money and I will get you there on time. You just might have to ride in a less than pristine car and sometimes there will be a towel covering the seat and when you attempt to move it, I will shout at you to leave it there! (Trust me, you really don't wanna know what is underneath of there...)

The point is, I'm not perfect. I am so far from it that I wouldn't know what it was if it was staring me straight in the face... But that doesn't stop me from enjoying life and interacting with the world around me...  So now you know that I am extraordinarily unperfect. Don't ever come to me expecting perfection. You will be extremely disappointed. So, why even go through the stress of all that?

So for the record, I am not perfect. I hope I have made that abundantly clear. I really hope you weren't expecting perfection. It ain't gonna happen. I don't know how else to put it and that's the ugly truth of it all. The end.

P.S. I am completely at ease with not being perfect. Failure and I have become good friends. I'll introduce you sometime, if you want. I highly recommend you try not being perfect... It does wonders for your self esteem and all that jazz. Just take a deep breadth and shout it out "I AM NOT PERFECT"- there? Doesn't that feel better? I knew it would. Have a great night and enjoy your imperfectness! Tootles!

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